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The difference between CCD and CMOS industrial camera in digital microscope
Date:2015/11/13 18:05:25
The difference between CCD and CMOS industrial camera in digital microscope
Author: Zhang Xian from quality, Chi Hin Tai Dean, science and technology
CCD imaging principle
CCD imaging principle is: Coupled Device CCD (Charge), the use of photosensitive diode photosensitive, light in the image sensor composed of photosensitive diode, the photosensitive diode in the impact of the photon to release the electron, the number of electrons generated and the intensity of the light is proportional to the intensity of the light. When the exposure is over, each photosensitive diode containing a different number of electronic, digital image is through the electronic how much to express and store.
CCD sensor
CCD sensor is also called charge coupled device, which is a special kind of semiconductor material, which is composed of a large number of independent photosensitive diodes. At present, there are many types of CCD, which is mainly used in surface array CCD digital camera. It is composed of many individual photosensitive diode array; the whole is square and like a brick will build by laying bricks or stones of these photosensitive diode array to form can output a certain image resolution of CCD sensor. In terms of function, the CCD photosensitive element is in a certain degree equivalent to the traditional camera film. From the point of view of consumer choice, of course, the greater the CCD photosensitive element.
Believe that many consumers in the domestic brands seen COMS, the term, in fact, it is also a kind of photosensitive elements, but the cost to significantly lower than CCD, in terms of power consumption is less than CCD, but in the noise control and the imaging quality is not as good as the CCD (here refers only to the relatively small size of the CMOS sensor), so only in the low-end digital cameras and camera design commonly used.
Author: Zhang Xian from quality, Chi Hin Tai Dean, science and technology
CCD imaging principle
CCD imaging principle is: Coupled Device CCD (Charge), the use of photosensitive diode photosensitive, light in the image sensor composed of photosensitive diode, the photosensitive diode in the impact of the photon to release the electron, the number of electrons generated and the intensity of the light is proportional to the intensity of the light. When the exposure is over, each photosensitive diode containing a different number of electronic, digital image is through the electronic how much to express and store.
CCD sensor
CCD sensor is also called charge coupled device, which is a special kind of semiconductor material, which is composed of a large number of independent photosensitive diodes. At present, there are many types of CCD, which is mainly used in surface array CCD digital camera. It is composed of many individual photosensitive diode array; the whole is square and like a brick will build by laying bricks or stones of these photosensitive diode array to form can output a certain image resolution of CCD sensor. In terms of function, the CCD photosensitive element is in a certain degree equivalent to the traditional camera film. From the point of view of consumer choice, of course, the greater the CCD photosensitive element.
Believe that many consumers in the domestic brands seen COMS, the term, in fact, it is also a kind of photosensitive elements, but the cost to significantly lower than CCD, in terms of power consumption is less than CCD, but in the noise control and the imaging quality is not as good as the CCD (here refers only to the relatively small size of the CMOS sensor), so only in the low-end digital cameras and camera design commonly used.