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Basic knowledge of Taiwan display and Thai industrial camera
Date:2015/11/9 12:16:53
Common classification of industrial cameras
- according to the output interface can be divided into VGA BNC USB serial port, 1394 industrial camera;
- according to the chip type can be divided into CCD camera, CMOS camera;
- according to the structure characteristics of the sensor can be divided into linear array camera, face array camera;
- can be divided into interlaced, progressive scan camera camera according to the scanning mode;
- in accordance with the size of the resolution can be divided into ordinary resolution camera, high resolution camera;
- according to the output signal can be divided into analog camera, digital camera;
- according to the output color can be divided into monochrome (Hei Bai) camera, color camera;
Two, basic parameters of industrial camera
1 resolution (Resolution): the number of pixels per image acquisition (Pixels), the digital camera is generally directly with the photoelectric sensor of the pixel number, for analog camera is determined by the video system, PAL system for 768*576, NTSC system for 640*480.
2 pixel depth (Depth Pixel): the number of bits per pixel data, the general use of 8Bit, for digital industrial cameras will also have 12Bit, 10Bit, etc..
3 pixel size (Size Pixel): pixel size and pixel number (resolution) jointly determines the size of the camera plane. At present, the pixel size of the digital industrial camera is 3 M-10 m, the average size of the pixel is smaller, the difficulty is greater, and the image quality is more difficult to improve.
Of View Field
Size Pixel = -- -- -- -- -- --
Resolution Camera
4. The frame rate (frame rate): camera image acquisition and transmission rate, for area array camera is generally a second acquisition frame rate (Frames/Sec.), for linear array camera for the second acquisition of the line number (Hz).
5. Exposure (exposure) and shutter speed (shutter): for the linear array camera is progressive exposure can choose fixed horizontal and the external trigger synchronization acquisition mode, exposure time, and the same period, you can also set a fixed time; CCD industrial camera with frame exposure, exposure and exposure of several common ways of rolling, industrial digital camera generally provide trigger image acquisition function. Shutter speed generally available to 10 s, high-speed industrial camera can also be faster.
6 sensor size (Size Sensor) such as 1/3 2/3 1/2, etc.. The larger the sensor size, the more sensitive cells can be gathered in theory and can be obtained with higher phase elements. In case (constant, the camera sensor size is large, the noise control ability is stronger, because the greater the distance between the single sensor, the signal interference between the smaller.
- according to the output interface can be divided into VGA BNC USB serial port, 1394 industrial camera;
- according to the chip type can be divided into CCD camera, CMOS camera;
- according to the structure characteristics of the sensor can be divided into linear array camera, face array camera;
- can be divided into interlaced, progressive scan camera camera according to the scanning mode;
- in accordance with the size of the resolution can be divided into ordinary resolution camera, high resolution camera;
- according to the output signal can be divided into analog camera, digital camera;
- according to the output color can be divided into monochrome (Hei Bai) camera, color camera;
Two, basic parameters of industrial camera
1 resolution (Resolution): the number of pixels per image acquisition (Pixels), the digital camera is generally directly with the photoelectric sensor of the pixel number, for analog camera is determined by the video system, PAL system for 768*576, NTSC system for 640*480.
2 pixel depth (Depth Pixel): the number of bits per pixel data, the general use of 8Bit, for digital industrial cameras will also have 12Bit, 10Bit, etc..
3 pixel size (Size Pixel): pixel size and pixel number (resolution) jointly determines the size of the camera plane. At present, the pixel size of the digital industrial camera is 3 M-10 m, the average size of the pixel is smaller, the difficulty is greater, and the image quality is more difficult to improve.
Of View Field
Size Pixel = -- -- -- -- -- --
Resolution Camera
4. The frame rate (frame rate): camera image acquisition and transmission rate, for area array camera is generally a second acquisition frame rate (Frames/Sec.), for linear array camera for the second acquisition of the line number (Hz).
5. Exposure (exposure) and shutter speed (shutter): for the linear array camera is progressive exposure can choose fixed horizontal and the external trigger synchronization acquisition mode, exposure time, and the same period, you can also set a fixed time; CCD industrial camera with frame exposure, exposure and exposure of several common ways of rolling, industrial digital camera generally provide trigger image acquisition function. Shutter speed generally available to 10 s, high-speed industrial camera can also be faster.
6 sensor size (Size Sensor) such as 1/3 2/3 1/2, etc.. The larger the sensor size, the more sensitive cells can be gathered in theory and can be obtained with higher phase elements. In case (constant, the camera sensor size is large, the noise control ability is stronger, because the greater the distance between the single sensor, the signal interference between the smaller.