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Is it good or optical microscope?
Date:2015/11/20 14:40:18
1, the key depends on your purpose and use range to choose.
The main difference is: optical microscopy is a traditional microscope, optical lens, the objective and the eyepiece) component of amplifier, directly through the objective observation of the object to be measured.
The digital microscope is a CCD or CMOS system to take images to a computer screen or a television screen to observe the measured object. Can also be achieved through software measurement, camera, video and other functions.
2, each have their own advantages, optical microscope, the general not through the electronic imaging system, the human eye observation, a stronger sense of three-dimensional. Faults: long working hours, the human eye can fatigue. But general medicine, some slight pathological analysis, generally with the human eye recognition. The advantages of digital microscope, can release the human eye. Reduce the fatigue of the work.
Taiwan Hin Thai HD video microscope, you can perfect solution to the problem of human eye fatigue. HD video digital imaging microscope.
The main difference is: optical microscopy is a traditional microscope, optical lens, the objective and the eyepiece) component of amplifier, directly through the objective observation of the object to be measured.
The digital microscope is a CCD or CMOS system to take images to a computer screen or a television screen to observe the measured object. Can also be achieved through software measurement, camera, video and other functions.
2, each have their own advantages, optical microscope, the general not through the electronic imaging system, the human eye observation, a stronger sense of three-dimensional. Faults: long working hours, the human eye can fatigue. But general medicine, some slight pathological analysis, generally with the human eye recognition. The advantages of digital microscope, can release the human eye. Reduce the fatigue of the work.
Taiwan Hin Thai HD video microscope, you can perfect solution to the problem of human eye fatigue. HD video digital imaging microscope.