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The distinction between digital microscope and optical microscope.
Date:2015/11/7 12:36:58
Common classification and application fields
Microscopic species are generally classified as digital microscope, stereomicroscope, optical microscope, biological microscope, and and research laboratories used fluorescence microscopy, polarized light microscopy.
Digital microscope, digital microscope to be able to use the traditional optical microscope and camera system, combined with the monitor or computer, so can objects will be measured amplification, and the optical microscope can only is the product of the objective and the eyepiece, so as to obtain the magnification of the object to be measured.
Reading microscope: the magnification is relatively small, the largest 100X. is generally used, the surface of a simple object is observed, for example: scratch, or color;
Stereo microscope: zoom in 45X or so, can also be amplified to 90X, 180X. for the observation of light industry, agriculture, forestry, medicine, health, geology, archaeology, biological and other industries.
It is larger than the reading range of the microscope, and can be connected to a digital camera, a computer.
Optical microscope: the magnification of the 100X-1250X is used in this range. It is mainly used for heavy industry. It can be used to identify and analyze the structure of various metals and alloys.
Biological microscope: amplification between multiple 40X-1600X, mainly for research in the field of biology, bacteriology, pathology, medical chemistry. So the ratio is relatively high. Also can be connected with a digital have and computer. Choose what kind of microscope is mainly and your observation of the East West, need to zoom into the what kind of multiple; to achieve what kind of effect; observation object is birefringence and. For example: transparent crystal and need to by polarizing microscope and so on. These microscopes are optical, through the refraction of light, reflection to the desired effect.
Microscopic species are generally classified as digital microscope, stereomicroscope, optical microscope, biological microscope, and and research laboratories used fluorescence microscopy, polarized light microscopy.
Digital microscope, digital microscope to be able to use the traditional optical microscope and camera system, combined with the monitor or computer, so can objects will be measured amplification, and the optical microscope can only is the product of the objective and the eyepiece, so as to obtain the magnification of the object to be measured.
Reading microscope: the magnification is relatively small, the largest 100X. is generally used, the surface of a simple object is observed, for example: scratch, or color;
Stereo microscope: zoom in 45X or so, can also be amplified to 90X, 180X. for the observation of light industry, agriculture, forestry, medicine, health, geology, archaeology, biological and other industries.
It is larger than the reading range of the microscope, and can be connected to a digital camera, a computer.
Optical microscope: the magnification of the 100X-1250X is used in this range. It is mainly used for heavy industry. It can be used to identify and analyze the structure of various metals and alloys.
Biological microscope: amplification between multiple 40X-1600X, mainly for research in the field of biology, bacteriology, pathology, medical chemistry. So the ratio is relatively high. Also can be connected with a digital have and computer. Choose what kind of microscope is mainly and your observation of the East West, need to zoom into the what kind of multiple; to achieve what kind of effect; observation object is birefringence and. For example: transparent crystal and need to by polarizing microscope and so on. These microscopes are optical, through the refraction of light, reflection to the desired effect.